LabeLase® Producer

Printer Model

8 The version of LabeLase® Producer that you need to install depends on your printer model.
If you used the Find method to locate a printer on one of your COM ports, and the printer's model and version information were found and displayed, then you don't need to manually select the printer model and you can skip to Step 9.

If, however, you did not run the Find procedure, or it did not actually find a LabeLase® printer, then you will need to manually select your printer model.



8a The printer model selection screen is shown below.

You must select one of the printer models shown in this screen.   You may need to scroll down to find your particular printer model.   If your model is not shown here, select the LL1000 Tag Printer.

Once you have selected your printer model, click Next to continue to Step 9 where you will install LabeLase® Producer.





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